Our Partners

A warm welcome to our media partners and our charity Room to Reward that we are proud to support

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The Adapters

If you’re a travel, tourism or hospitality professional, or a retailer of any other service business, your world has probably been turned upside down and your business is facing some of the biggest challenges in living memory. You are not alone. Now, more than ever before, you need insight, intelligence, and a little bit of inspiration.  

The Adapters gets you up close and personal with some of the most respected leaders, operators, lawyers, analysts, academics, journalists, financiers and innovators in travel, tourism, and hospitality today.   

We also look over the fence at other industries such as retail, online and digital commerce, and others, along with technology trends in travel and property tech. 

Room to Reward

Our chosen charity, Room to Reward is a unique volunteer-recognition charity created to say ‘thank you’ to the Hidden Heroes – inspirational volunteers who give up their time to make a difference to those who need it most.

Their hotel  – and now holiday park! – partners donate their unsold rooms, charities and community groups nominate their Hidden Heroes for a break – Room to Reward then make it happen!